dimanche 3 janvier 2021

How can I create a delegate to read a property of an anonymous type?

I have a method that is called with an instance of an anonymous type. The type is always the same, but the instance is different.

NOTE: I am passed the anonymous object simply as a type object.

I know the anonymous type has a property named Request of type HttpRequestMessage. Here is my method that is executed with the anonymous type in info.Value.

void IObserver<KeyValuePair<string, object> event> OnNext(KeyValuePair<string, object> info)
  HttpRequestMessage request = ?????

I can get the property getter like so:

MethodInfo propertyGetter = type.GetProperty("Request").GetGetMethod();

But I can't afford the cost of reflection when reading the property of the instance passed to me.

How can I create a delegate that I pass the instance to and get the property value?

I tried this

private delegate HttpRequestMessage RequestPropertyGetterDelegate(object instance);
private static RequestPropertyGetterDelegate RequestPropertyGetter;

private static RequestPropertyGetterDelegate CreateRequestFromPropertyDelegate(Type type)
    MethodInfo propertyGetter = type.GetProperty("Request").GetGetMethod();
    return (RequestPropertyGetterDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(RequestPropertyGetterDelegate), propertyGetter);

But I am experiencing a binding error

System.ArgumentException: 'Cannot bind to the target method because its signature is not compatible with that of the delegate type.'

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