jeudi 14 janvier 2021

how to properly use mockbuilder from phpunit?

I'm trying to mock one of my class using phpunit mockbuilder but I only want the 'index' method. But When I try with the code below, the var_dump indicates I have all the methods from my class in the mock?? Is that normal? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

public function setUp(): void
            $mockController = $this->getMockBuilder(MyClass::class)

Edit1: result of var_dump:

array(18) {
  string(5) "index"
  string(11) "__construct"
  string(6) "launch"
  string(8) "continue"
  string(6) "setCss"
  string(5) "setJs"
  string(4) "meta"
  string(6) "render"
  string(14) "initController"
  string(33) "__phpunit_initConfigurableMethods"
  string(27) "__phpunit_setOriginalObject"
  string(34) "__phpunit_setReturnValueGeneration"
  string(30) "__phpunit_getInvocationHandler"
  string(21) "__phpunit_hasMatchers"
  string(16) "__phpunit_verify"
  string(7) "expects"
  string(6) "method"
  string(7) "__clone"


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