vendredi 22 janvier 2021

How to convert a reflect.SliceHeader to a reflect.Value with kind Slice

I have an array for which I know the size but not the type at runtime. I would like to convert this array to a reflect.Value with kind Slice, so that I could loop over it.

I have created a reflect.SliceHeader like this:

p := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&array))
var data = reflect.SliceOf(originType)
sh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&data))
sh.Data = p
sh.Len = size
sh.Cap = size
runtime.KeepAlive(array) // inform garbage collector not to free the array memory

If I wanted to convert it back to a Slice of known type T, I would do:

var slice = *(*[]T)(unsafe.Pointer(sh))

But I my case, I don't know the type. How can I convert this reflect.SliceHeader to a reflect.Value with Kind Slice, so that I could continue to be generic over the underlying type?

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