lundi 27 septembre 2021

ClassNotFoundException While running on Cloud Server but works from Local Eclipse

I have a Spring boot Project which Contains a DTO object. In one of our Jar we have a program to Read a file and create the DTO object. I am trying to load the DTO through Reflection. Its working perfectly from local eclipse workspace but when I deploy it in the cloud it fails, giving class not found exception. The below code is in the Jar which is added as maven dependendy.

    public class AbcFileReader<T extends ReaderInterface>{
        public List<T> readFile(File, String className){
           T newObj = (T)Class.forName(className).newInstance();        

Here className = "";Its implements and the class is present in the package. I have also tried the below line. But not working on cloud.

ClassLoader contextCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
T newObj = (T)Class.forName(className,true, contextCL).newInstance();

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