mardi 7 septembre 2021

Load assembly from binary array in Amazon lambda function by using reflection

In my C# aws lambda function I use Assembly.Load() with a binary array. I do the following:

// "item" is an object that has the property "DotNetAssembly" with
// the binary array that has the assembly that I need to load
// this works perfectly!
var assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(item.DotNetAssembly)

Now I create an instance from the "assembly" variable:

// "item" is an object that has a property "DotNetType"
// with the name of the class that I need to instance
// this works perfectly!
var obj = assembly.CreateInstance(item.DotNetType);

But now, when I try to call the method "ABC" from the "obj" variable

// this doesn't work!

I receive the following error: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found "AmazonDynamoDBClient"

The method "obj.ABC()" is using an instance of "AmazonDynamoDBClient", so it's clear that dotnet cannot resolve this dependency.

I found this Microsoft's article: but it's not clear for me how to resolve dependencies when I use Assembly.Load(binary_array)

How can I resolve the dependencies that the variable "obj" or its class need?

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