If I had a simple class like this
class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
// ...
and I wanted "do something" in EF OnModelCreating to the Id property, such as:
modelBuilder.Entity<Person>().Property( _p => _p.Id ).HasDatabaseGeneratedOption( DatabaseGeneratedOption.None );
I have no problem. However, when I have the Type and Property:
var entityType = typeof(Person);
var propInfo = entityType.GetProperty("Id");
I want a function such as
ModelEntityProperty( modelBuilder, propertyType, entityType).HasDatabaseGeneratedOption( DatabaseGeneratedOption.None );
My question: Does EntityFramework allow one to configure entities/properties using reflection information? Or is it exclusively using these LambdaExpressions?
I ended up writing this function, but it is long and in my opinion much uglier than what may be available:
private PrimitivePropertyConfiguration ModelEntityProperty(
DbModelBuilder p_model,
PropertyInfo p_propInfo,
Type p_entityType = null )
// If the entityType was not set, then use the property's declaring type
var entityType = (p_entityType == null) ? p_propInfo.DeclaringType : p_entityType;
// Get the Entity <> method- a generic method
var genericEntityMethod = typeof( DbModelBuilder ).GetMethod( "Entity", new Type[0] );
// Get the actual method for the Type we're interested in
var entityMethod = genericEntityMethod.MakeGenericMethod( new Type[] { entityType } );
// get the return value of .Entity{p_type}()
var theEntityConfigurator = entityMethod.Invoke( p_model, new object[0] );
// I really don't like this, but it works (for now, until they change something)
var propMethod = theEntityConfigurator
.GetMethods( BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public )
.Where( _mi => _mi.Name == "Property" && _mi.IsGenericMethod )
.MakeGenericMethod( p_propInfo.PropertyType );
// That whole ugly mess should have been a GetMethod call, but I don't know how
// to set the parameter type to make sure the correct version of the method is
// returned unambiguously
// Build the expression that will be used to identify the property
var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter( entityType );
var memberExpr = Expression.MakeMemberAccess( paramExpr, p_propInfo );
var lambdaExpr = Expression.Lambda( memberExpr, paramExpr );
// Invoke the correct version of the Property method with the correct parameter
var thePropertyConfiguration = propMethod.Invoke(
new object[] { lambdaExpr } );
// and return that thing
return thePropertyConfiguration as PrimitivePropertyConfiguration;
This function works perfectly for this example, but it needs help to be more general (e.g. DateTimes, etc. don't work). Is there a better or more elegant way of doing this "natively" within EF? Or is this an appropriate method, assuming its fixed for the various ValueTypes that the "Property" method can handle?
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