lundi 25 mai 2015

JavaClassLoader: Why an "NoSuchMethodEx" is thrown here?

I have a problem with the "JavaClassLoader" library. I want to program a launcher for a application. At the end it should be possible to shutdown the program, to update and to start again. Now, I always get an NoSuchMethodEx when I try to invoke methods with arguments.

The main class that I want to start, implemented following (part of apache Daemon):

package org.apache.commons.daemon;
public interface Daemon {
    public void init(DaemonContext context) throws DaemonInitException, Exception;
    public void start() throws Exception;
    public void stop() throws Exception;
    public void destroy();

In my Launcher following happens:

// set cglib proxy
ProxyProviderFactory.setDefaultProxyProvider(new CglibProxyProvider());
// load instance
JarClassLoader jcl = new JarClassLoader();
JclObjectFactory factory = JclObjectFactory.getInstance(true);
this.application = (Daemon) factory.create(jcl, "de.FabiUnne.Application");

Now if I try to invoke a method with no argument (e.g. #start()), everything works. I get an error when I try to invoke the #init(DaemonContext) method.

The stacktrace:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: de.FabiUnne.Application.init(org.apache.commons.daemon.DaemonContext)
  at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
  at org.xeustechnologies.jcl.proxy.CglibProxyProvider$CglibProxyHandler.intercept(
  at org.apache.commons.daemon.Daemon$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$b9db6482.init(<generated>)
  and 2 more...

The funny thing is that the method is indeed present in any case.

<- this.application.getClass().getMethods()
-> [ ...
public final void org.apache.commons.daemon.Daemon$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$b9db6482.init(org.apache.commons.daemon.DaemonContext) throws org.apache.commons.daemon.DaemonInitException,java.lang.Exception, 
public final void org.apache.commons.daemon.Daemon$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$b9db6482.start() throws java.lang.Exception, 
public final void org.apache.commons.daemon.Daemon$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$b9db6482.destroy(), 
public final void org.apache.commons.daemon.Daemon$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$b9db6482.stop() throws java.lang.Exception, 
... ]

Why can not I call the #init() method anyway?

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