mardi 25 août 2015

mockito how to verify using methodname and reflection

I have a spy or a mock of an object and I wants to verify that a method has been call problem, I receive methodname at execution Time not compilation time

I would like to do something like SimpleObj mockObject= Mockito.mock(SimpleObj.class); Class myClass = SimpleObj.class; Method meth = myClass.getMethod("getGuid");


I have made a kind of workaround using

MockingDetails mockingDetails = Mockito.mockingDetails(mockObject);

Collection<Invocation> invocations = mockingDetails.getInvocations();

List<String> methodsCalled = new ArrayList<>();
for (Invocation anInvocation : invocations) {

Problem it works until I use PowerMockito : for standard method it works but if the method is final, the method is not present in mockingDetails.getInvocations(); (but even if not present in mockingDetails.getInvocations(); the real verify(mock).getGuid(); works in a good way

So if you have any idea/advice it would be glad


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