mercredi 19 août 2015

Reflection in c# Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information

Below code gives me LoaderExceptions. I am not sure why and how i could do it differently.

  Type typDatabaseImplClass2 = CoreDatabaseImplAssembly.GetType("Aveva.Core.Database.Implementation.DbDoubleDimensionImpl");

Full Exception Details

"Method 'PassObjectToCPP' in type 'Binit.Core.Database.Implementation.DbDoubleUnitsImpl' from assembly 'Binit.Core.Database.Implementation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17c64733a9775004' does not have an implementation.":"Binit.Core.Database.Implementation.DbDoubleUnitsImpl"}    System.Exception {System.TypeLoadException}

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