vendredi 30 septembre 2016

c# rules editor, advice or suggestions

Use case, a system where I want to provide predefined filters for search results. The filter is more or less stored as an expression tree and can be constructed using a rule editor.

I want to provide the user with an editor, select a property, select the operator and allow the user to provide or select a value to compare with.

[dropdown with properties = PriorityId] [dropdown with operators = Equals] [dropdown with values = IList()]

The challenge is that the user needs to get a list of values to select from and I am figuring out how to

I have thought about the following approach, and I would like to get your input on this.

  • Decorate the property with an attribute
  • The attribute maps a class responsible for returning possible values
  • The mapping class implements an interface

When selecting the property from the rule editor I can invoke the mapping class via reflection to return the values.

namespace Tickets.Data.Model
    public class Ticket : BaseModel
        public string PriorityId { get; set; }

public class RuleEditorCollectionMappingAttribute : Attribute
    private Type classType;
    public RuleEditorCollectionMappingAttribute(Type classType)
        this.classType = classType;

public interface IRuleEditorCollectionMapping{}
public class GetPriorities : IRuleEditorCollectionMapping
    public static IList<TicketPriority> GetValues()
    // query logic to build a list with values to be used in the rules editor when selecting PriorityId
        return new List<TicketPriority>();

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