mercredi 21 septembre 2016

Given that names of parameters are lost during compilation, how does Spring autowire by parameter name?

Consider following configuration with two beans of the same type created:

@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = TwoStrings.class)
public class Config {

    public String one() {
        return "one";

    public String two() {
        return "two";


Another bean that depends on the two beans above is created by component scan:

public class TwoStrings {

    public final String a;
    public final String b;

    public TwoStrings(String one, String two) {
        this.a = one;
        this.b = two;


The names of local variables/parameters are lost during compilation and are not available at runtime:

enter image description here

However, Spring somehow autowires two String beans correctly. The example test below

@ContextConfiguration(classes = Config.class )
public class Example {

    private TwoStrings twoStrings;

    public void test() {




Given the name of constructor parameters are lost, I would expect Spring to throw the exception saying that there is more than 1 bean of type String, however Spring somehow autowires beans using parameters names.

The question is how Spring knows the names of constructor parameters?

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