I am trying to reflect recursively over a struct, printing out the type of each field. Where a field is an slice of structs, I'd like to be able to identify the type held in the array and then reflect over that type.
Here is some sample code
package main
import (
type child struct {
Name *string
Age int
type Parent struct {
Name string
Surname *string
Children []*child
PetNames []string
func main() {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(Parent{})
log.Printf("This is a : %s", typ.Kind())
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
p := typ.Field(i)
if !p.Anonymous {
switch p.Type.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
log.Printf("Ptr: %s is a type %s", p.Name, p.Type)
case reflect.Slice:
log.Printf("Slice: %s is a type %s", p.Name, p.Type)
subtyp := p.Type.Elem()
if subtyp.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
subtyp = subtyp.Elem()
log.Printf("\tDereferenced Type%s", subtyp)
log.Printf("Default: %s is a type %s", p.Name, p.Type)
The output looks like this:
This is a : struct
Default: Name is a type string
Ptr: Surname is a type *string
Slice: Children is a type []*main.child
Dereferenced Type main.child
Slice: PetNames is a type []string
Dereferenced Type string
When I identify that a field type is a slice of pointers, I am able to infer the type by calling subtype.Elem().
The output is 'main.child'
If I then try to reflect child using
subSubType := reflect.TypeOf(subtyp)
log.Printf("%+v", subSubType)
I get the following:
How can I use the reflection API to iterate over the fields of the child struct?
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