At first, I want to invoke a private class's instance method from a objective-c static framework.
If I use OC, I can invoke it like this:
Class TargetClass = NSClassFromString(@"TheNameOfTargetClass");
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(@"sharedInstance");
IMP imp = [FLEXNetworkRecorderClass methodForSelector:selector];
id (*func)(id, SEL) = (__typeof__(func))imp;
id instance = func(TargetClass,selector);
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(@"targetFunction");
IMP imp = [defaultRecorder methodForSelector:selector];
id (*func)(id, SEL) = (__typeof__(func))imp;
id result = func(instance,selector);
The result is what I want, but How to do it in Swift?
I have tried a lot, but I can I don't know how to translate some of above, like:
id (*func)(id, SEL) = (__typeof__(func))imp;
and if I want to invoke methodForSelector I need to convert to NSObject using:
as! NSObject
and then, it crash.
So how to that?
Any advice will be appreciated.
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