mardi 29 mai 2018

Compare generic-interface-type to given type

I'm trying to dynamically create an instance of a type which inherits from a generic interface.

For example I have the following base-interface, where several other interfaces are derived from:

public interface IDummy { }

And I have two derived interfaces:

public interface IDummyDerived<T> : IDummy
  void Foo(T value);

public interface ITempDerived<T> : IDummy
  void HelloWorld(T value);

Now I need a ServiceProvider-Class where I can create find the classes which implementing the given interface. Each interface (IDummyDerived and ITempDerived) is implemented exactly once.

My approach would be:

internal class DummyServiceProvider
  public T GetDummy<T>() where T : IDummy
    Type baseType = typeof(IDummy);
    Type[] types = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()).Where(p => baseType.IsAssignableFrom(p) && p.IsClass).ToArray();
    //now I have all classes which implements one of my interfaces
    foreach(Type type in types)
      // here I want to check if the current type is typeof(T)
      // (typeof(T) == type) ->  doesn't work
      // (type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == type) doesnt work

  return default(T);

How can I correctly compare the given typeof(T) to a type in the types-array?

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