jeudi 10 mai 2018

When is go reflect CanInterface false?

As per this playground example (, and the implementation of CanInterface in reflect/value.go, it looks like CanInterface is false only for private fields?

What are other scenarios when CanInterface is false?

Playground example:

num := 6
meta := reflect.ValueOf(num)
fmt.Println("canInterface:", meta.CanInterface() == true)

meta = reflect.ValueOf(&num)
fmt.Println("canInterface:", meta.CanInterface() == true)

foo := Foo{}
meta = reflect.ValueOf(&foo)
fmt.Println("canInterface:", meta.CanInterface() == true)
meta = meta.Elem()
fmt.Println("canInterface:", meta.CanInterface() == true)
publicField := meta.FieldByName("Number")
privateField := meta.FieldByName("privateNumber")
    publicField.CanInterface() == true,
    // Woah, as per the implementation (reflect/value.go) 
    // this is the only time it can be false
    privateField.CanInterface() != true)

var fooPtr *Foo
var ptr anInterface = fooPtr
meta = reflect.ValueOf(ptr)
fmt.Println("canInterface:", meta.CanInterface() == true)

meta = reflect.ValueOf(&foo)
meta = meta.Elem() // ptr to actual value
publicField = meta.FieldByName("Number")
ptrToField := publicField.Addr()
fmt.Println("canInterface:", ptrToField.CanInterface() == true)


func (v Value) CanInterface() bool {
if v.flag == 0 {
    panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.CanInterface", Invalid})
// I think "flagRO" means read-only?
return v.flag&flagRO == 0

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