mardi 22 mai 2018

Filtering list of objects in datagridview based on cell value

I am currently unsure on the best way of going about getting a filter to work right on a datagridview that has its datasource set to a list of objects.

So given an object of:

    public class DepositAccountBill
        #region Properties
        public int AccountBillID { get; set; }
        public int AccountID { get; set; }
        public string AccountNumber { get; set; }
        public string ControlNumber { get; set; }
        public DateTime BillDate { get; set; }
        public decimal DepositAmount { get; set; }

I have a datagridview table that looks roughly like this:

Account Number  |  Control Number  | Bill Date  |   Deposit Amount 
123456            | AJA1234367     | 5/21/2018 | 12.99 
123456            | PSA1234367     | 5/21/2018 | 5.77 
567332                | HBA1234367     | 5/21/2018 | 1255.99 
769843                | AJA1234367     | 5/21/2018  | 12.99 

So when clicking on a cell. Lets say the first cell on the first column. If I click a button that says filter I need to display the datagridview table with only rows that have the same Account number. In this case, it would be rows 1 and 2. In order for me to do this, I have to access the object that the datagridview table is populated with DepositAccountBill. So what I need to do is look and at the column I'm looking at has the selected cell's value.

So in my method I have tried thus far with no results:

    var collection = (List<DepositAccountBill>)dataGridView1.DataSource;
var filterList = collection.Where ( q => (collection.Select(r => GetPropValue(r, dataGridView1.Columns[clickedCell.ColumnIndex].DataPropertyName))) == (clickedCell.Value);

dataGridView1.DataSource = filterList.ToList();

    public object GetPropValue(object obj, string propName)
        return obj.GetType().GetProperty(propName).GetValue(obj, null);

I don't know is SELECT is the right LINQ method to use here or if this is even possible. I want to use WHERE because it only grabs the list of objects that match the condition. Something like this: var filterList = collection.Where(r => r.AccountNumber == clickedCell.Value);

Only problem is the r.AccountNumber is dependant on the data property of the selected column. The program does not know what the data property is based on a click event on the selected cell. This is why I think reflection might be necessary.

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