mercredi 16 mai 2018

Value class to keep object type for later casting?

I am working on a project that uses ontology to launch algorithm. In other words, the parameters/return value of an algorithm are retrieved from a semantic database so that they can be launched using SPARQL queries.

Let's say I want to get the result of such an algorithm after its execution, which has a specific type, but I have to store it in a very generic way. I would do Object result = myAlgorithm(param1, param2, ...);. This does not allow me to store the type of the result for later casting though. I am thinking of a solution, but I am not sure how legitimate it is in Java:

public class Value {
   Object o;
   Class<?> type;

   public Value(Object o, Class<?> type) {
       this.o = o;
       this.type = type;

   Class<?> getType() { return type; }

   Object getO() { return o; } 

The return type of the algorithm is also stored in the database. I know this sounds a bit convoluted, but I hope you understand what I want to do.

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