lundi 11 mars 2019

c# How do I display the parameters of the current function?

I have a simple Send(message) function which returns the time it took for the function to execute and or ERROR if the time exceeds the specified time, I wanna also return the arguments that were used to run the function. Can I do that?

Something like Send("Goodbye {0}", 0.60d, "World") returns (0.7597, The function was declined, ["Goodbye {0}", "0.60d", "World"])

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using static ToolsAndUtilities.Tools;

namespace ConsoleApp20
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send(Send("Hello {0}", 1.00d, "World"))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))));

            Send("Hello {0}", "World");

            Send("Goodbye {0}", 0.60d, "World");

            //> (0.7597, The function was declined) 

            // What I wanna do:

            //> (0.7597, The function was declined, ["Goodbye {0}", "0.60d", "World"])

namespace ToolsAndUtilities
    using static ToolsAndUtilities.Utilities;

    public static class Tools
        public static String Nl = Console.Out.NewLine;

        public static Tuple<Double, String> Send(Object Message, params Object[] Args)

            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Console.Out.Write($"> {String.Format(Message.ToString(), Args)}{Nl}");


            String functionResult = GetResult(FunctionResult.Passed);

            if (Message is Tuple<Double, String> && stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds >= (Message as Tuple<Double, String>).Item1)
                functionResult = GetResult(FunctionResult.Declined);

            return Tuple.Create<Double, String>(stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, functionResult);

        public static Tuple<Double, String> Send(Object Message, Double CallSelf, params Object[] Args)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Console.Out.Write($"> {String.Format(Message.ToString(), Args)}{Nl}");


            String functionResult = GetResult(FunctionResult.Passed);

            if (stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds >= CallSelf)
                functionResult = GetResult(FunctionResult.Declined);

            if (!(CallSelf is default(Double)))
                return Send(Tuple.Create<Double, String>(stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, functionResult));

            return Tuple.Create<Double, String>(stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, functionResult);

    public static class Utilities
        public enum FunctionResult
            Passed = 0, Declined = 1

        public static String GetResult(FunctionResult FunctionResult)
            switch (FunctionResult)
                case FunctionResult.Declined:
                    return "The function was declined.";
                case FunctionResult.Passed:
                    return "The function passed successfully.";
                    return "Result not found.";

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