mardi 16 juin 2020

Comparing 2 struct at run time

I'm trying to compare 2 struct at run time. I can't seem to compare the field one by one. I'm thinking i would need to cast the type for each field while running my loop but reflect.TypeOf() doesn't give me expected result of "type" ( int / string in that case ). I'm thinking it's because i'm providing an interface{} as an argument? is there any way to make it work ?

My goal is to be able to compare value from 2 structs of the same type and " merge " the values into one struct if there's any differences.

package main

import (

type A struct {
    Foo string
    Bar int
    Zoo int

func main() {
    a := &A{Foo: "qwer",Bar:1}
    b := &A{Foo: "zxcv",Bar:1}


func testRefactor(t *A,comp *A) {
    valt := reflect.ValueOf(t).Elem()
    //valComp := reflect.ValueOf(comp).Elem()
    for i:=0; i<valt.NumField();i++{
        //fieldStructComp := valComp.Type().Field(i).Name
        fieldStructT := valt.Type().Field(i).Name

    valueStructComp := getFieldValueByname(comp,fieldStructT)
    valueStructT := getFieldValueByname(t,fieldStructT)

    typex := reflect.TypeOf(valueStructT)

        fmt.Println(valueStructT == valueStructComp)


func getFieldValueByname(structName interface{},fieldname string) interface{} {
    r := reflect.ValueOf(structName)
        f := reflect.Indirect(r).FieldByName(fieldname)
       return f

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