jeudi 16 juillet 2020

Access Attribute data from method

I'm using core api project and I use a custom ActionFilter attribute to do some authentication validations as below:

public class LoggedInAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    public Login LoggedInUser { get; private set; }
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext con)
        LoggedInUser = //here i get the logged in user(from a http token request header) and load it from database
        if (LoggedInUser == null)
            con.Result = new UnauthorizedResult();

Then I placed this attribute on an action in the api controller as below:

    public AccountInfoDTO GetAccountInfo()
       //Here i want to get the placed [LoggedIn] instance to get it's LoggedInUser value

I need to get the LoggedInUser property inside the method, I've tried some reflection but I get null everytime.

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