lundi 13 juillet 2020

In Java, how do I see if an object is of the right type to be passed as a method parameter? Especially if the type is a primitive?

I'm using reflection to call a method in Java. I'd like to see if the value that potentially is to be passed into the method is of the right type before I invoke the method.

My initial idea was to get the class of the parameter via method.getParameterTypes() and then compare that type to the type of the object that I'd like to pass in. If it's a subclass, then proceed.

However, this fails on a method that takes a primitive. If I have a method:

private void doThing(boolean parp) {}

The return value of getParameterTypes for this indicates that the type of the parameter is a class called boolean in the java.base module. However, I might be wanting to pass in a value which is of type java.lang.Boolean, which although is perfectly legal to pass in, doesn't sit in the type hierarchy. java.lang.Boolean isn't a subclass of, or apparently in any way related to boolean.

What test can I use against a method's given parameter type and the type of a given object to determine whether its legal to pass that object into the method?

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