mercredi 15 juillet 2020

Non-static method requires a target. in .net core 3.1 application trying to call .net standard library

I am trying to call a static method of a static class via reflection but getting exception Non-static method requires a target

My class in .net standard 2.1 library is

    namespace MyNameSpace
        public static class MyClass
            public static string DecryptData(string input)
                return ....;    

My code for calling the class in .net core application is

    private string GetDetails(string data)
        string content = null;            
        Type dllType = null;
        var asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(fileName);
        foreach (var t in asm.GetTypes())
            if (t.IsClass && t.IsPublic)
               dllType = t;
        if (dllType != null)// class successfully found
            MethodInfo staticMethodInfo = dllType.GetMethod("DecryptData");//method successfully found                
            var o = staticMethodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { data });//exception on this line
        return content;

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