lundi 13 juillet 2020

go reflect getting methods from passed variables that are a reflect value and type

I'm working on a go module which is descending down through a hierarchy of types and using reflect. No worries about "sleighting" go's efficiency by using reflect, this is just for part of the initialization – it will never affect on-going operations.

Anyway, I passed a reflect.value and a reflect.type type to a function and then was unable to get the methods of the underlying structure. Instead I got the methods of the reflect type. After playing with it for a while I wasn't able to actually get to the underlying structure with functions like x.Method(i) or x.MethodByName("my-method").

So my question is, can you get the underlying methods with just a reflect type or value or do you need the original variable?

So what I mean by types in types is:

type a struct {
    name      string
    something b

type b struct {
    i int
    s string

var c a

func (d a) Validate() {
    // stuff here

Now let's suppose we have something like:

func stuff() {
    v := reflect.ValueOf(c)
    t := reflect.TypeOf(c)
    otherStuff(v, t)

func otherStuff(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) {
    // Can I get the method "Validate" here with just the reflect types or do I need to pass the
    // original variable?
    // In reality b could contain something that contains something so it's a hierarchy calling for
    // some generic code, if at all possible.

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