I am getting all instances of classes that implement an interface but I need to pass that class type into a Type field and I keep getting "x is a variable but used like a type". How can I get these classes as their type?
Here is my code that pulls in what implements the Interface ICacheData
private IEnumerable<Type> GetCachables()
var type = typeof(ICacheData);
var types = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes())
.Where(p => type.IsAssignableFrom(p));
return types;
But when trying to apply them into this call, I get an error.
var cacheables = GetCachables();
foreach(var cacheable in cacheables)
var cacheItems = LoadAllFromCacheAsync<cacheable>(db, "");
is defined as:
protected static async Task<List<T>> LoadAllFromCacheAsync<T>(DbEntities db, string eagerLoadProps = "") where T : class, ICacheData
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