lundi 26 juillet 2021

How to get static readonly property using reflection in some class

With the code block below, I am getting static variables of a class and the value of that variable.

static void Main(string[] args)
    var ax = GetClassPropertyValues("SomeClass");

public static List<string> GetClassPropertyValues(string className)
    var fieldInfos = Type.GetType($"ConsoleApp1.{className}, ConsoleApp1")
            | BindingFlags.Public
            | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy
            | BindingFlags.Static

    var propertyValues = new List<string>();

    foreach (var fieldInfo in fieldInfos)

    return propertyValues;


public abstract class SomeAbstractClass
    public static string List = "List";

public class SomeClass: SomeAbstractClass
    public static string Price = "Price";

When I just set static variables to read-only then I don't get those variables. How can I get these variables ?

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