jeudi 8 juillet 2021

How to call private constructor of super class from child class constructor?

In Java, I'm trying to override a class coming from a library. One of the constructors of the class is private and thus I'm not able to call it from my class. Is there a way to work around this (reflection?)?

public class LibraryClass extends ProtectedLibraryClass {
  public LibraryClass() {

  private LibraryClass(Boolean useFeature) {

  // Other methods

public class MyClass extends LibraryClass {
  public MyClass() {

  private MyClass(Boolean useFeature) {
    super(useFeature); // <-- This line throws exception as super class constructor is private
  // Override other methods

I can't just call super() and then set useFeature flag as useFeature flag is final in protectedLibraryClass and is set only through it's constructor.

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