vendredi 23 juillet 2021

How can I dynamically check if type implements an interface

Assuming I have an interface called Hello like:

type Hello interface {
   Hi() string

I want to write a function that get Hello and any interface and does something if Hello also implement another interface, like:

type Person interface {
  Name() int

type Animal interface {
  Leg() int

type hello struct{}

func (h hello) Hi() string {
    return "hello!"

func (h hello) Leg() int {
    return 4

func worker() {

   h := hello{}
  // Don't match
  // Match


func check(h Hello, n interface{}) {
 // of course this doesn't work, should I use reflection, if so how?
  if _,ok := h.(n); ok {
  // do something 

How should I implement check function?

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