dimanche 16 août 2015

Discover if a class has been declared inside a particular module type

I am writing a DSL which describes a structure. The DSL uses Types to reference classes which will later be instantiated. I would like to enforce that a particular Type has been declared within a particular module. This can be a runtime check after the DSL has been compiled.

In essence I need to access the outer element starting from the inner class and check it is of the correct type and get a reference to it.

If I get the child type I can get its symbol using reflection by calling to typeSymbol and in the resulting symbol I see that I can call owner to get the outer type symbol. However if I try to reflect the parent as a Module (even when the parent it is a module) it throws an exception.

Lets put an example:

trait TheMixin

object TheParent extends TheMixin {

  case class TheChild()


object TestDiscoverParent extends App {
  import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm}

  val theChildType = typeOf[TheChild]

  val theChildOwner = theChildType.typeSymbol.owner


  val theParentModuleSymbol = theChildOwner.asModule

  val theParentRef = cm.reflectModule(theParentModuleSymbol).instance


In this example, the line println(theChildOwner) will print

object TheParent

But the call to theChildOwner.asModule

throws an exception

Exception in thread "main" scala.ScalaReflectionException: object TheParent is not a module

How can I get a reference to the outer object wrapper?

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