samedi 1 août 2015

In Java, how to invoke method using reflection without calling API and without giving invoker object type and parameters type?

My question is, how to invoke a method using reflection, with giving invoker object and multiple parameters, without giving invoker object type and parameters type and without calling API.

That is

Student student = new Student();
student.setNameAndClass("John", "1D"); // Method 0

can be replaced by

MyMethodUtils.invoke(student, "setNameAndClass", Object[] {"John", "1D"}); // Method 1

where the invoke() method is made by JDK methods. It can be in other signature if it fulfill the requirement.

My research and study

I cannot find any related solution in StackOverflow. This answer need class list This looks pretty close but it is C# and calling API

I am able to make the invoke() method like this.

MyMethodUtils.invoke(student, "getNameAndClass"); // Method 2 (no parameters)
MyMethodUtils.invoke(student, "setNameAndClass", Object[] {"John", "1D"},
Class[] {String.class, String.class}); // Method 3 (with multiple parameters but inconvenient to use)

Method 2, 3 works properly. However, when I tried to implement the Method 1 (what I want), it is working only when the type is exact match.

For example, if the method is like

setMarks(String name, Collection<Integer> marks);

native invoking works but reflection don't

student.setMarks("John", new ArrayList<Integer>()); //works
MyMethodUtils.invoke(student, "setMarks", "John", new ArrayList<Integer>()); // getMethod() method always cannot find a proper method

Is it impossible? Or is there ways to implement so?

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