mercredi 12 août 2015

Trouble resolving a singleton from the service container

I've created a ServiceProvider in Laravel5 that registers two singletons to the service container:


namespace App\Providers;

use App\Services\Passwords\FileMakerPasswordBroker;
use App\Services\Passwords\FileMakerTokenRepository;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class FileMakerPasswordResetServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

    protected $defer = true;

    public function provides(){
        return ['fm.password','fm.password.token'];

    public function register()

    protected function registerPasswordBroker(){
        $this->app->singleton('fm.password', function ($app){
            return new FileMakerPasswordBroker;

    protected function registerTokenRepository(){
        $this->app->singleton('fm.password.token', function ($app){
            return new FileMakerTokenRepository;

I've just started so the two concrete classes being created are just empty class declarations:


namespace App\Services\Passwords;

class FileMakerTokenRepository {



namespace App\Services\Passwords;

class FileMakerPasswordBroker {


And I've registered my service provider in my config/app.php class:



   'providers' => [



The problem is, I can't resolve the singletons out of the service container:

A dev controller


use Illuminate\Foundation\Application;

class DevController extends Controller

    protected $app;

    public function __construct(Application $app){
        $this->app = $app;

    public function testPasswordReset(){
        // This throws an error
        return $this->app->make('fm.password.token');


When I try to make the singleton, I get the error

ReflectionException in Container.php line 736: Class fm.password.token does not exist

I walked back through the documentation on binding and resolving from the service container and it looks like everything is right, but I'm obviously missing something.

Is there a step I'm missing or something I'm missing re: resolving a singleton from the service container?


Here's a screen shot of the stack if that helps:

Error Stack

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