I'm running OrientDb 2.2.6 in embedded mode. I have to grant security permissions to my code so the SecurityManager allows it to run. One permission I would particularly prefer not to grant is ("java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission" "suppressAccessChecks"). Instead of granting permissions, I would rather start the server without requiring reflection. Is there a way to start the OrientDb server in embedded mode without reflection?
Here is my configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<protocol implementation="com.orientechnologies.orient.server.network.protocol.binary.ONetworkProtocolBinary" name="binary"/>
<listener protocol="binary" socket="default" port-range="2424-2430" ip-address=""/>
<user resources="*" password="root" name="root"/>
<user resources="connect,server.listDatabases,server.dblist" password="guest" name="guest"/>
<entry value="1" name="db.pool.min"/>
<entry value="50" name="db.pool.max"/>
<entry value="true" name="profiler.enabled"/>
The code I'm using was taken from OrientDb documentation. Its only three lines:
server = OServerMain.create();
// orientServerConfigFile is a file object for the configuration given above
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