lundi 24 juillet 2017

can yaml have method names as values

I am using an yaml file which looks like :

TestCase1:   # Updating age to 56
startDate/inner/inner2/age: 56
  startDate/$date: "2017-07-20T19:00:00.000Z"
  name: "SomeOne"

TestCase2:   #Updating Age to 45
  startDate/inner/inner2/age: 45

Can I do something like :

  startDate/inner/inner2/age: 56
  startDate/$date: ${MethodToGetCurrentDate}
  name: ${MethodWhichReturnSomeName}

I am looking to parse this yaml and while doing so look for pattern like ${method Name } and that method is called using reflection and the method returns the value.

Is it doable? I am using scala.

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