vendredi 28 juillet 2017

Cannot reach properties of a reflected object from the jsf view

I'm trying to build a module for managing my database's catalogues like: country, enterprises, users etc. The user is supposed to select the catalog from a combobox and the system is supposed to display a table with the principal columns (not null in the database and some predefined by me). From the 3 objectives I have only achieved 2: 1.- get the @NotNull fields from the Entity Classes after selecting the catalogue using reflection 2.-display the table with dynamic columns retrieving them from the above also. But number 3 is giving me trouble. The thing is, I used this folling code in the view for displaying columns dynamically (based on the @NotNull fields I stored in an object) ,(

<p:dataTable  id="conceptos" var="pojo" value="#{catalogoMB.comocombo}>
<p:columns value="#{catalogoMB.columns}" var="column" 
columnIndexVar="colIndex" sortBy="#{pojo[]}" filterBy="#
        <f:facet name="header">
        <h:outputText value="#{column.header}" />
        <h:outputText value="#{pojo[]}" />

So for example, in a normal way, without reflection the code above will work like this: comocombo will have this properties: name, value, id; and my array of columns will be the same: name, value, id... The thing is, comocombo is a List<Object> object where I store field's reflection class values, which returns java.lang.class instead of the instance of the EntityClass although I managed to invoke setter and getter from an Object instance of that class (combito) -supposedly- so when I try to display pojo[]-> comocombo["id"], comocombo["name"] or comocombo["value"] it sends me an exception saying that java.lang.class doesn't have this any properties....How can I reach them? I've read about Map<String, String> and of .cast() But I'm not sure this could be the way.

public void populateT(){ 
comocombo=new ArrayList<>();
Object tt ;
y = tabla.get(tabla.size()-1).getConcpetos(); //result of query type: 
FindAll from the entity Class 
Class combito= Class.forName(""+ catName); //the "path" of the 
Entity Classes
for (Integer j=0; j<y.size()-1; j++){
            for (Integer i=0; i< tabla.size()-1; i++){
            tucampo=minustomayus(y.get(j).getClass().getDeclaredField(tabla.get(i).getNombre_c()).getName()); //tabla.get(i).getNombre_c()-> here I've stored the @NotNull properties' names (countryid, countryname...) whic are the same in  columns = new ArrayList<ColumnModel>();  (catalogoMB.columns in the view) 
            Class cls= Class.forName(""+ catName);
            Method method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("get"+tucampo); // for example "countryid" -> getCountryid              
            Class<?> type = null;
            for (Method methods : combito.getDeclaredMethods())
            { //Here I'm trying to invoke setter of the Entity Class in order to store its values..
              //equivalent to: if o is an instance of Entity Class Country: Country o = new Country(); o.setCountryid(2);
                if (methods.getName().contains("set"+tucampo)){

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