vendredi 21 juillet 2017

OOP Pattern - using abstract with reflection a lot. Is this a bad pattern I'm falling into?

Lately I've been using this sort of pattern a lot:

abstract class myBaseClass
    //some common methods/properties/etc that all inheritors would share
    //some abstract methods/properties/etc that inheritors must implement

    protected abstract bool DoIHandleThisSortOfRequest(...);

    public static myBaseClass GetHandler()
        // some reflection to enumerate through classes
        // that inherit from myBaseClass, and use
        // something like DoIHandleThisSortOfRequest() on each

... and, I mean, the code is nice and neat... but it does mean I'm using reflection quite a bit.

For example, I'm currently working on a new process that works via command line than needs to handle a lot of different request types, and found myself using this sort of pattern, kinda like this:

abstract class FunctionRequest
    protected abstract string RequestName { get; }
    public abstract void Run();
    public static FunctionRequest GetHandler(string requestName)
        // use reflection to get list of classes deriving from FunctionRequest
        // find one that has instance.RequestName equals requestName
public class QueryRequest : FunctionRequest
    protected override string RequestName { get { return "Query"; } }
    public override void Run()
        // ... code ...

Is there a better way to structure this? I'm not too worried about the overhead of Reflection on this... but I realize if there's a better way to do it, I should get in the habit of doing it the right way :-)

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