mercredi 26 juillet 2017

How create a instance of class with dependent in constructor from startup.cs(ASP.NET Core)

I'm trying to create email client in my core web application.I have created a class with some DB service as dependent and I have a method inside this class which will connect to the mail box and starts listening to it on a separate thread.But I'm unable to create an instance of the class from the startup.cs file because I unable pass IDBxxxxService to the constructor.

  var serviceProvider = Services.BuildServiceProvider();
        serviceProvider.CreateInstance<MailEvents>().MailSubscribe(new IMAPConnection
            Host = "",
            EnableOAuth = false,
            Port = 993,
            EnableSSL = true,
            UserName = "xxxxxxxxxxx",
            Password = "9xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

and here is extension method i have written to create the instance using reflection.

public static TResult CreateInstance<TResult>(this IServiceProvider provider) where TResult: class
        ConstructorInfo constructor = typeof(TResult).GetConstructors()[0];

        if (constructor != null)
            object[] args = constructor
                .Select(o => o.ParameterType)
                .Select(o => provider.GetService(o))

            return Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TResult), args) as TResult;

        return null;

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