lundi 17 juillet 2017

C# Remove/Amend Personal File Paths From Compiled Binaries

Using the [CallerFilePath] attribute in C# leads to the inclusion of full local file paths in the compiled CIL binaries, such as C:\Users\MyName\Projects\Project\File.cs.

Is there a way of amending these strings in the compiled binaries? Perhaps as a build step to remove the "C:\Users\MyName\Projects\", but leave the remainder for logging purposes?

Off the top of my head, I can only think of ildasm'ing it, search & replacing, and then ilasming it - but this seems like a rather involved process. I also came across references to the STRINGTABLE resource, but without any implementation details on how to post-process it.

There are a couple of suggested duplicates, including this one, but I don't think this is a duplicate question as this one refers to the [CallerFilePath] attribute specifically, and not to debug-configuration related strings that point to pdb files.

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