mercredi 19 juillet 2017

Using Reflection to get object constructor parameters

Is there a way to use Reflection to get the object constructor parameters from the below constructor? (The "APN", "AVD", ....)

Here is my Constructor:

public EPayAppParams() : base("EPayAppParams", "AP")
    moAppName = new EPayParamNode(this, "APN");
    moVirtualDir = new EPayParamNode(this, "AVD");
    moVirtualPhone = new EPayParamNode(this, "AVP");
    moCallCenterTransferPhone = new EPayParamNode(this, "ATP");
    moAppPassword = new EPayParamNode(this, "APW");

Here is what the Property definition looks like for each of the above:

[Description("Application Name"), Category("General")]
public string ApplicationName
    get { return moAppName.Value; }
    set { moAppName.Value = value; }

I want to be able to call the string parameters from another project.

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