mercredi 13 septembre 2017

Get PowerShell code for an arbitrary object

The goal I'm trying to achieve is to write a PowerShell function that accepts an object of any type and outputs PowerShell statements that may be used to re-create the object.


# Get-PSCode is the function I'm looking for, it doesn't exist
Get-PSCode -InputObject @(1..5) # -> outputs @(1,2,3,4,5)

The most straightforward solution I've come up with includes multiple type checking conditions, e.g.

function Get-PSCode() {
    if ($InputObject -is [array]) {
        [string]$s = ""
        foreach ($i in $InputObject) {
            if ($s) { $s += ","}
            $s += $i
        Write-Output "@($s)"
    } #elseif ($InputObject -is [hashtable]) etc.etc.

The less straightforward solution is to fallback to .NET reflection capabilities, e.g. Function to clone an arbitrary object

Is there a better way to achieve the goal?

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