vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Php, ReflectionClass, getConstructor() bumpts into a trait's constructor, how to dodge it?

so far I have this:

class A
    public function __construct($v1,$v2) {}

class B extends A

class C extends B

echo (new \ReflectionClass('C'))->getConstructor()->class;

this works like a charm, it produces A as expected. So far so good. But then a trait came into my way:

trait X
    public function __construct($fake) {}

class A
    public function __construct($v1,$v2) {}

class B extends A
    use X;

class C extends B

echo (new \ReflectionClass('C'))->getConstructor()->class;

it now produces B ! But I want to know the parameters of A::constructor, not X::constructor! How to dodge it?

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