mercredi 13 septembre 2017

How to determine if the property belongs to Base class or sub class dynamically using generics?

I have following two classes (models), one is base class and other is sub class:

public class BaseClass
     public string BaseProperty{get;set;}    

public class ChildClass: BaseClass    
     public string ChildProperty{get;set;}    

In application I am calling ChildClass dynamically using generics

List<string> propertyNames=new List<string>();
foreach (PropertyInfo info in typeof(T).GetProperties())

Here, in propertyNames list, I am getting property for BaseClass as well. I want only those properties which are in child class. Is this possible?

What I tried?

  1. Tried excluding it as mentioned in this question
  2. Tried determining whether the class is sub class or base class as mentioned here but that does not help either.

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