dimanche 17 septembre 2017

Setting value of the structure via fmt.Sscan

I'm want to synchronize state between map[string]string and custom Go structure and came to a conclusion that simplest way to parse it is to use fmt.Sscan for fields.

Unfortunately, direct approach is not working (playground):

var S struct{ I int }

f := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(&S)).Field(0)
fmt.Sscan("10", f.Interface())
fmt.Println(S) // {0}

Introducing an intermediate value and using Set(), however, solves the issue:

nv := reflect.New(f.Type())
fmt.Sscan("10", nv.Interface())
fmt.Println(S) // {10}

I wonder why the first approach didn't work. Isn't Interface() returns a kind of reference to a field which can be used to change its value?

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