mardi 12 septembre 2017

How to invoke Custom Attribute using reflection ib C#?

I have a method in which I am invoking methods of different classes at run time using reflection, code is below :

var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string[] assemblyInfo = assembly.FullName.Split(',');
var controllerType = assembly.GetType(assemblyInfo[0] + ".Class1");
var controllerObj = System.Activator.CreateInstance(controllerType);
var method = controllerObj.GetType().GetMethod("Method1");
object[] parameters = new object[] { "-SomeParameterObject-" };
var obj = method.Invoke(controllerObj, parameters);

And each invoked method has Custom Attribute but it's not getting invoked in reflection. E.g.

public Object SomeMethodName(Object param)

Is there any way in reflection by which custom attribute should get invoked automatically with method invocation ?

Thanks in advance.

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