lundi 20 août 2018

How do I Use Reflection API getParameters in Android API level 25 and Below?

I am currently building an in-app logger utility for Android that uses the Reflection API to log basic data about the called class/method/parameters.

Method.getParameters() is the call to retrieve an array of parameters for the given method, but this method only works on Android API level 26+. Does anyone know of a workaround that would let me use getParameters() on API level 25 or below?

Alternatively, if there is a decent workaround for this, that would work too! Thanks in advance! Here is the method I will be updating once I have a fix/workaround in place:

private Parameter[] _retrieveParametersForMethod( Method method ) {

    Parameter[] methodParameters;

    // getParameters() only works on API level 26+ (Oreo)
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
        return methodParameters = method.getParameters();
    } else
        return null;    // TODO: Find a workaround for pre-API level 26


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