mercredi 29 août 2018

List fields with a specific attribute

I'm trying to list all the fields with a certain Attribute, but still not quite understanding what kind of object GetValue() expects.

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)]
class SerializedAttribute : Attribute


class Program
    [Serialized] public Single AFloat = 100.0f;
    [Serialized] public Single AnotherFloat = 125.5f;
    [Serialized] public Single OnceAgain = 75.0f;

    static void Main(string[] args)

        foreach(FieldInfo field in typeof(Program).GetFields())
            foreach(Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes())
                if (attr is SerializedAttribute)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t" + "Variable name: " + field.Name + "\t" + "Variable value:" + field.GetValue(/*"??????????????"*/));           



I tried few google searches but apperantly I'm not a very good at problem solving.

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