lundi 27 août 2018

How to determine a method signature dynamically when throwing custom exceptions?

I am following a standard that requires me to log the class#method that originates an exception for easy debugging from our UI. Without pulling the logs I know what method spawned the exception and can (usually) easily find the root cause.

However, I would like a dynamic way of determining the method signature because I am currently hard-coding it everywhere I am throwing an exception. Is there a better way.

 public class UserService {

     private UserRepository userRepository;

     public User findUser(Long id){

          if(id == null || id < 1){
               throw new BadRequestException("UserService#findUser", String.format(
                                             "Invalid Id: %d", id));

          User user = userRepository.findOne(id);

          if(user == null){
               throw new DataNotFoundException("UserService#findUser", String.format(
                                               "Can't Find User for Id: %d", id));
          return user;


The goal is that I can create any custom exception and within that constructor I can infer the method signature by where the exception was created from.

 public BadRequestException(String issue){
      super(String.format("%s | Bad Request | %s", <<signature>>, issue);


 UserService class --> findUser method --> BadRequest("UserService#findUser")
 UserService class --> createUser method --> BadRequest("UserService#createUser")

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