jeudi 30 août 2018

java declare anonymous class using proxy api

This morning I fell into a particular case that never happened to me before. I'm developing a Minecraft plugin using the minecraft server API which is usually called NMS with reference to the name of its packages (eg net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1 for version 1.13). The main problem with the use of the minecraft server API is that it is difficult to write a cross version code: indeed the name of the packages changes with each new version. When the plugin only supports two versions it is usually easier to use the interfaces to write two different codes depending on the version. But when you have to support a dozen different versions (and this is my case), it's a bad idea (the plugin would be much too heavy, it would have to import every jar in the IDE, and I would have to redo the code with each new version). In these cases I usually use reflection but I do not think it's possible here:

            packet = packetConstructor.newInstance(
                    new MinecraftKey("q", "q") {
                        public String toString() {
                            return "FML|HS";

As you probably guessed MinecraftKey is a class from NMS and I was told to use Java Dynamic Proxy API. I have never used it and would like to know if you would know a place that would explain to me how to do it simply? If you know of another better method that interests me too!

When I think about it, I think that this is really a lot of trouble for a tiny piece of code x)

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