vendredi 10 juillet 2020

Create chsarp documentation string by code

My goal is to use this roslyn banned api analyzer to ban most methods in System.Linq.Enumerable.

I want to somehow generate these method document strings. (documentation) .


namespace Acme
    struct ValueType
        public void M(int i) {...}

    class Widget: IProcess
        public class NestedClass
            public void M(int i) {...}

        public static void M0() {...}
        public void M1(char c, out float f, ref ValueType v) {...}
        public void M2(short[] x1, int[,] x2, long[][] x3) {...}
        public void M3(long[][] x3, Widget[][,,] x4) {...}
        public unsafe void M4(char *pc, Color **pf) {...}
        public unsafe void M5(void *pv, double *[][,] pd) {...}
        public void M6(int i, params object[] args) {...}

    class MyList<T>
        public void Test(T t) { }

    class UseList
        public void Process(MyList<int> list) { }
        public MyList<T> GetValues<T>(T inputValue) { return null; }


Is there any kind of build in way? Would you build these strings using reflection?

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