samedi 28 février 2015

C# reflection, lambda?

I need to do this using reflection:

@Html.Grid((IEnumerable<MyType>)list).Columns(columns =>
columns.Add(foo => foo.Title)
.Titled("Custom column title")
columns.Add(foo => foo.Description)

Now I have var g which is object created after call @Html.Grid((IEnumerable<MyType>)Model) using refletion:

var method = typeof(GridMvc.Html.GridExtensions).GetMethods()
.Where(mi => mi.Name == "Grid")
.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { t });
var g = method.Invoke(null, new object[] { Html, list });

So I need do something like:

g.Columns(columns =>
columns.Add(foo => foo.Title)
.Titled("Custom column title")
columns.Add(foo => foo.Description)

using reflection.

Can someone provide example code to do this?

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