I'm trying to use reflect to call a method on a struct.
The code I have is dispersed, but everything relevant should be here;
// Begin new transaction, attach to new transaction service
transactionService := &models.TransactionService{}
// Transactioner interface type
transactionerType := reflect.TypeOf((*models.Transactioner)(nil)).Elem()
// Go through target controllers' models
// Attach transactionService to each model
val := reflect.ValueOf(c.AppController).Elem()
for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
// For each field, check if it'
valueField := val.Field(i)
if valueField.Type().Implements(transactionerType) {
attachMethodValue := valueField.MethodByName("Attach")
args := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(transactionService)}
The two print-statements near the end give the following output, followed by a panic
INFO 2015/02/24 21:01:12 gorp.go:122: Begun transaction
INFO 2015/02/24 21:01:12 init.go:79: <func(*models.TransactionService) Value>
INFO 2015/02/24 21:01:12 init.go:80: [<*models.TransactionService Value>]
ERROR 2015/02/24 21:01:12 panic.go:29: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
As you can see, they don't seem to be nil values, which is why I'm confused about why I'm getting the panic.
Other code that might provide the contextual information.
type AppController struct {
type UserController struct {
UserModel *models.UserModel
type GorpModel struct {
transactionService *TransactionService
func (m *GorpModel) Attach(transactionService *TransactionService) {
m.transactionService = transactionService
revel.INFO.Println("Transactioner called!")
type Transactioner interface {
Attach(transactionService *TransactionService)
type TransactionService struct {
txn *gorp.Transaction
func (t *TransactionService) Begin() {
revel.INFO.Println("Begun transaction")
t.txn = BeginTransaction()
Any ideas on what the issue is?
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