vendredi 27 février 2015

Java call method after class is initialized

I have a class X which is extended by various classes. X needs to know each subtype that exists of it at runtime. So my idea was to create a static method "static init()" in X that takes a Class as parameter. The problem is that a subclass of X is required to be initialized via its static-init-blocks before the call to init() happens. X for example may discover some of the static fields of the subclass which may be of any declared type. So take this code for example:

class X {
X() {
/*This would be one idea but does not work
in this concrete example.*/
static void init(Class<? extends X> c) {
if(c.getDeclaredField("a").get(null) == null) {
throw new AssertionError();

class Y extends X {
static X a = new X();
static {
/*Another idea. Works totally fine but
I dont want to trust subclasses that
they do that correctly*/

So what I am looking for is a way to somehow get my init()-method called as the last step in the static initialization of a class. Or any other way to prevent the AssertionError from happening.

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